The August Fireworks in Fréjus


Summer on the Côte d’Azur is synonymous with sunny days, sandy beaches and starry evenings.

Every year, the months of July and August bring with them a sparkling tradition to Fréjus : the spectacular fireworks that illuminate the night sky. These colourful fireworks displays have become a real celebration, attracting local residents and visitors from afar to admire this breathtaking spectacle.

Explosions of color and magic reflect in the eyes of young and old alike.

Not to be missed under any circumstances !


Here are the two dates for the month of August :

August 21st & 28th from 10:30pm.

Drawn off the coast of Port-Fréjus, it will be possible to admire them from the quays, Fréjus-Plage, the Nature Base but also Saint-Aygulf !

feux d'artifice d'aout frejus

The stars twinkle above you as excitement builds as you await the upcoming show.

Fireworks then illuminate the dark sky, painting ephemeral pictures of bright colors.

The August fireworks in Fréjus are not only a sight to admire, but also an opportunity to create bright memories to take with you.

Whether you choose to capture these magical moments in photos or simply etch them in your memory, the brilliance of fireworks will remain etched in your heart long after the last shard is gone.

Do not miss the opportunity to live a dream evening under the twinkling stars of Fréjus. Treat yourself to a stay where magic works in the heavens as well as on earth.


Book your stay right here for your next holiday at Camping de Saint-Aygulf Plage !

Tag us with @campingsaintaygulfplage and we share all your moments of joy in our stories.

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feux d'artifice fréjus